Monday, September 15, 2014

Breaking It Down

I broke down, I got angry, I smashed some watermelon, I got up, I went back to work, I moved into an apartment, I started a new semester, then…. Two months later… I break down… Now what?

God is shaking me and breaking me. He is building me and molding me. Not to be someone’s “other half” or “the One”, although I know that one day that will come. No, God is building me into the women that He wants me to be.  

Where am I now?
I have good days, like when my bangs lay just right, or that friend said the best thing ever, or I get the grade on my assignment I worked forever on. I have great days, where I spend quality time with those I love, or where I do something for myself like read a book or buy a cup of iced coffee (my new favorite). With the great days, there come also those fewer and more and more far between, not so good days. There are still tears, there is still hurt, there is still sadness, there is still pain, and there is still anger… and that’s OK!

What am I thinking now?
Where do I go from here? God, if that wasn’t part of your plan for the rest of my life, what do you want me to do now? How can you use me? One way I think God is using me and my story is this blog, and that’s why I love to hear your stories as to how my blogs are affecting your lives and thoughts.
Each morning I choose that day to make that day the best I can. I get dressed, I go to class, I go to work, I do homework and I rinse, lather and repeat!
Each day I wake up and I choose that day to see the brighter future. Each day I look into my mirror and I choose that day to rejoice in the things I know through Christ. On my mirror I have a quote from that oh so popular pop song: “Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top” Daughters of Christ realize that these are not just lyrics there is truth in this statement given to you from the most high King. When you feel unworthy, when you feel used, when you feel wasted, when you feel useless, broken, shattered, or not good enough, KNOW that these are lies. Know that you are SO much more that you can imagine. Sons of Christ my prayer for you is for you to see with the eyes of Christ all that the daughters are made to be.
You have value, worth and significance in this world. And TODAY you can choose how you feel, react, and grow.
There will be good day, there will be bad days, but there will always be a God who loves you unconditionally, and that is love worth living for!
With Christ,
Simply Jordan

Friday, September 5, 2014

For Those Who Are...

For the first time in my life, I am truly content in being single. I tell people, “I’m doing me.” I am finding things I like, things I love, and things that just once was enough!

Moving forward in this new season in my life I’ve been making lists from the things I have learned while in my relationship and the many things I have learned since the break-up. I have hopes, wishes, dreams, and desires.
I desire to be loved, loved unconditionally, for ALL that I am!
I desire to be challenged in this life. I want challenged to grow mentally, spiritually, and physically each and every day.
I desire to be pushed toward all my goals, ambitions and dreams, not pulled away from them.

It is important to know where you are coming from, to evaluate where you are, and to go forward with your eyes wide open, your dreams larger than life, and a heart open and ready to receive what God has for you. I don’t know about you, but I want to experience EVERYTHING God has planned for me in this life.

For those who are broken, He stands with open arms ready to receive and restore you!
For those who are lonely, He calls you by name and claims you as His own!
For those who are wandering, find rest in Him!
For those who are struggling, stop resisting, He will catch you when you’re ready!
For those who are burdened, release it onto Him, He has already paid it all.
For those seeking to be loved, seeking to be protected, seeking to be cherished, KNOW that there is a God greater than you and more in love with you than any earthly man can EVER love you. KNOW that you are precious in HIS sight! You are a pearl to be prized and sought after. You are a one-of-a-kind, handcrafted daughter of the Most High King of Kings.
In God you have purpose and meaning to Life.

And with this prayer of my heart I leave you with this:
True beauty emits from the inside out, NOT the outside in!
In Christ’s everlasting and unconditional love,
Simply Jordan