I am a big advocate of constant communication with God. I attempt
to get into the Word every day and journal my thoughts and specifically my
prayers. Lately I have been “too busy” to really get into my quiet times. If I did
sit down and do it, it was very mechanical and not in the least relational. But
this is my Father, this is my Shepard, my Comforter, but I felt so distant I didn’t
even want to take time to talk to Him about it. Instead I harbored negative
feelings until it turned into full-fledged anger.
It was a relief to admit how angry I had been. I began to
cry and then I collected myself and I immediately felt better.
I was angry, why? I began to walk through it, in communion
with God. See the past several months I have been praying specific prayers, the
desires of my heart, and now in the time when it should be looking like life
should go my way, and I’m getting a not so desired answer.
I was struggling, I was angry, I couldn’t understand how
this outcome could possibly be in God’s plan for me. There I go again, writing
my own story, deciding what’s best for me.
In my study this morning was Philippians 4:6, “Do not be
anxious about anything, but in everything, but prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Woah, reality check. Do not worry, do not be anxious, and do
not fear. God is bigger, God is all-knowing, and God is all-powerful. He is the
beginning and the end. He is Father, Comforter, Counselor, and Keeper. Why
would I want anyone else to guide my path? The verse goes on in 4:7 to say, “And
the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and
your minds.”
I want to be the best that I can be, as a daughter, as a
girlfriend, as a future wife, as a future mother, as a student, as an employee,
but I can’t let my own selfish pride, or my own fears or anxieties get in the
way of GOD’s will for my life. Ultimately I am a servant of Christ Jesus and by
starting there first the rest will fall into place.
So whatever you are struggling with surrender, admit to the
feeling or the action, let the Great Comforter show you His great love. Make
the decision to follow his Will and go forward with a Joy in your heart that
even in the unfavorable circumstances you are still a servant of the Great Commissioner,
no matter where your mission field is.
-Simply Jordan