Thursday, January 9, 2014

Song of Solomon: New perspective

In a devotional I was in recently we discussed the topic of sisterhood in Christ. I talked about some simple surface stuff about loving and trusting and investing before I was convicted of my own misunderstanding of God role of “sisters” in Christ filling a role of friends. In the book Song of Solomon from the Old Testament Bible we get to see Gods intent for a dating, courtship and marriage relationship. I still remember when my youth pastor got up in front of a room full of junior high and high school kids and said “Did you know there is a whole book in the bible devoted to dating and marriage and sex!”  I remember the moment ever mouth got quiet and every ear was opened. She began to talk about the story in Song of Solomon. The way the Lover dated and courted and eventually married his Beloved. We broke down every verse and what it meant and why it was in the Bible. It was always my favorite book because and earthly man had the eyes of God to see his Beloved the way God saw her. He called her beautiful and precious. I wanted that.

When I was talking to these girls in this devo, I flipped my Bible open looking for a passage in Ephesians when it opened to song of Solomon I saw a new heading that I had never paid attention to. “Friends”… I thought “Friends”, why are “Friends” mentioned in the most romantic book in the Bible? BOOM (for those of you who like sound effects) I realized just then what it meant. Call it a Bible slap if you want.

Friends are the family you choose. They are special people you allow in your life to be there for everything. It is so important to have and to nurture those relationships, EVEN when you are in a serious romantic relationship with someone. My boyfriend and I learn from each other every day. We have new experiences and new learning opportunities as individuals and as a couple. God is guiding us and we have to be open to letting him lead.

In Christ and His love,


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