I am taking a class this semester called “The Family”, and
initially I thought it was going to be strictly about the family structure
(hence the name), but I am nicely surprised to see that it is not. I got an
email before the first day of class with an assignment already, and my first
thought was oh great its going to be one of THOSE classes. I completed the
assignment which was reading the preface and the first 2 chapters of the
textbook before class (I was not amused). I actually began to really hate the
book, I felt that the language it used was very confusing and that the
sentences and paragraphs went round and round in circles. I constantly found
myself thinking about this course and what I was going to get out of the course
and whether or not I would even like the course in the first place. Now after
the first week in the class I have attended twice and am working on chapter 4
of the book, I get excited about reading each chapter and even though the
language is still confusing I try and understand it and go to class with a
least a few questions or thoughts over the chapters.
So here is what I am learning. The class premise is based on
the fact that there are two inert concepts each human has, individuality and
togetherness. How each of these are expressed and the level of each expression
is based on the learned structure of the family (or family environment).
What I am most excited about after just one week is seeking
to answer the question How to be an individual while in a relationship. (not
just romantically, but every relationship).
After my broken engagement, I spent SO much time (since that’s
all I had was time) figuring out who I am and what I like. I discovered my
worth and value through the eyes of my Lord and I’ve never turned back. What I won’t
say is that I always have it together, if fact in my last post I talked about
the beauty I found in brokenness and turning to the Christian faith and
community for support.
In my new venture into the relationship scene I had to
redefine what love looked like both giving and receiving. I read another
article that talks about how the best answers as to why you love someone is
because you “just do”, that’s the magic and the beauty behind unconditional
love. In this new season I (we) make it an important effort to seek the Lord’s
will and blessing over our lives both as individuals and as a couple. We
understand that we are human and that we will fail each other, but we love and
follow a God who is perfect in every way and He will never fail us.
I love spending quiet time with the Lord or seeing His work
around me. There is a certain joy that is totally indescribable, but totally
worth discovering.
I pray over each and every one of your lives. As my prayer
life becomes more and more a part of my core being, I yearn for the things of my
God to become things of the world. Blessings, Peace, and Joy of the Lord are my
prayers daily.
Day by day, moment by moment
-Simply Jordan