“I try to put you in the box where I design”… “but when did I
forget that you were King of the World”
I feel all the emotions and yet nothing at all. At any moment
I could totally space out and break. I’m an open book, if I know, I can tell
you. But I open my mouth to speak and I choke…. “I feel so...” “I feel so…”,
Broken? Confused? Angry? Upset?.... nothing seems to fit the hole just right.
I don’t understand His plan, I don’t. I can run a million
questions through my head, but will the answers really help? My prayer tonight
is to guide my step, just the next one, and then the next after that.
You grow a lot; you learn a lot. I see now why I didn’t date
in high school as for me I love deep and I love hard. I love with an
unconditional love. I pray that I always do, and I pray that whoever he is, wherever
he is, he loves too. With a love that’s like Jesus, a love that’s unconditional.
What next? Well that’s to be discovered along the way, one
step at a time. But today, I rise... and tomorrow, I rise and I take it one step at
a time. "In the eye of the storm, You are in control..."
I am more than thankful for the growth of each day, the
blessing and stressing that it brings. I am thankful for my relationships with
friends and family. They always step up, show up and support me, even when I am
one heap of a mess.
Mostly I am thankful for my faith, I always joke I came out
of the womb ready for Church as my dad was pastoring at the time, but it hasn’t
always been easy to walk in the faith. God placed some very special people
along the way and they keep pointed in the right direction.
You see one day I will meet him, one day all this will make
...One day is just not today.
And with the sincerest heart…
Thank you for everything,
-Simply Jordan
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