Sunday, October 12, 2014

I Dont Have the Answers

I have learned a lot and I continue to learn a lot each day. God and I get real, I grow, I get up and I move forward. One of my biggest lessons so far is that moving on has nothing to do with the next relationship. Society considers being ready to date equal to moving on from a broken relationship, so once I have successfully entered the dating scene or the next relationship then I have successfully moved on from my past relationship. This is simply false information.  
You can enter into a relationship too soon. You need to have time to grieve and heal, even though no one died there is still a grief for the death of the relationship.
However you can have moved on from the past relationship and simply have not entered into a new relationship. In the 3 months since the split I have had countless people tell me that “my time will come” and although I do believe my time will come and the right man will be there I do not believe the underlying message being conveyed.
My happiness and my life does not hinge on any one person. I do not and will not have to put my happiness and my life on pause while I search or wait for the perfect man to walk in. I do not and will not have to sulk in my singleness pining for love to come my way. Being in a relationship brings no more core joy than you already possess.
I have a whole list of “why” questions as to why I had to go through what I went through, and although I will never fully understand I do know that there is purpose and a reason for everything. I have grown so much in the past 3 months. I know that I have a purpose greater than I can ever fathom, and I know that no matter how awful some of these things are they serve a greater purpose.
I am continuing a season of singleness with the intentions of doing it right, there are two things I know. It is ok to be single, for it is better to be alone than be with the wrong person. And the second thing is that a firm and solid foundation of my self-worth and self-image in Christ is being built before entering into another relationship.
No I am not going to do some sort of “dating pact” or “promise” not to date for any length of time. When I do date I know it will be the right time and it will feel right. And even though I am not entering into another relationship doesn’t mean I am not moving on.
Peace like a river the Lord gives me, Each and every day is a new day, a new day in Christ. I pray that he shields my eyes and my heart for I know God has a man in progress for me. This man will cherish everything that the Lord had prepared me to be and the work he does through me.
I don’t have it all together, in fact, some days I feel like I knew more the day before. I don't have the answers and I won't pretend that I do. But each day I grow wiser, I grow stronger, I grow in confidence, and I grow in motivation to seek and live out Gods will for my life.
I am Simply Jordan being the best Jordan that I can be.
Through the unconditional and all-consuming love of Christ,
-Simply Jordan

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