Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am Free

I am free. I have been occupied lately, my mind running a million miles an hour in a million different directions. I have to remind myself to stop and breathe, or eat, or sleep, or rest. During this season in my life one word comes to mind over and over. I has presented itself in many ways, it’s all over my journal entries, it’s literally on buildings around campus, but most importantly it is written on my heart. Free. I am Free. FREE. I don’t mean cheap like a sale rack or the left over junk. I mean without bondage, without penalties, without blame, without shame, without blemish. On the bible building of my college campus the words at the top read “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you FREE!” I know the truth, I know who I am, I know that God has a plan for my life, and this sets me Free.
Tonight at an all-girls devo on campus they talked about dignity and identity in Christ. They had us take a note card and write one word that God calls us or labels us. The results were beautiful; my word was “Free” as that’s what my heart is screaming in this season. My heart is to share my story because I pray that my story points to Christ.
I don’t want to walk around with fear because fear is not of God.
I don’t want to walk around with doubt because doubt is not of God.
I don’t want to walk around with anger because anger is not of God.
There is a season for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says He has made everything BEAUTIFUL in its time.
Your life does not have to be on hold for anything, any reason, anyone. Press play on your life and live each day filled with joy and happiness because your identity is in Christ and in Him you are FREE!
With all the love,
Simply Jordan

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