Eveytime I think about my blog I can come up with a million things to write about, but when I open the page I draw a blank.
I have chosen to blog about my Promise because it is a big part of my life.
So the Promise is something I started in high school. My 9th grade year I met Chad and April Word. They were the new youth pastors at my, then home church. I never knew that someone could influence my life as much as April and the staff of women in that youth influenced me.
They spoke of having greater value in yourslef. They talked about viewing yourself and others through God's eyes. They taught the girls about their worth and value and how we are a prized jewel in God's eyes. We went though a series called secret keepers It was all about keeping yourself pure and waiting on God and his plan in every part of your life. After completeing the series I made a promise with God, along with alot of other girls. My promise was to not date while in high school so as to preserve my heart. During this time I was to draw near to God and make a solid foundation onto which a Godly relationship could be built.
Freshman year was easy. It was when it all began, but I also didn't have a whole lot of "dating" options. I didn't see myself as dateable... I was ugly and unwanted. I was the guys best friend, not their girldfriend. My promise became a cover as to why I didn't have a boyfriend. It wasn't becasue no one wanted to date me, it was because of the promise...or at least thats what I told myself
Sophomore and Junior year was not much different except for my self image drastically improved. As I grew closer to God I began to see myself though His eyes. I say that I was a Daughter of the King of Kings. I saw that I was a valued jewel in His eyes and I saw that ONE DAY he would give His eyes to a man who saw me the way He saw me. My view of the promise began to change.
Senior year was the best. I met Keela and Kelsey. Mikala had always been apart of my life but this year was the year the four of us bonded and became inceperable. They showed me the best kind of friendships and even though they are girls they helped me so much in the true meaning of my promise. I was saving myself for a Godly relationship where I can be wholy his, not used or damaged in anyway.
Another thing happened in my senior year. I met a wonderful man who showed me so much of God it is almost unreal. I met him in November, but the promise didn't end until May...problem? NO.. He waited! He never pushed me for more. He was always there for me and made me feel so special. He praised me for waiting and encouraged me to finish my promise no matter what. Although it didn't work out between us, I still count it as a blessed time in my life.
Most of my family and friends know about the above events, but only some of you know that upon completeing my promise I became angry with God. I was CONVINCED He was going to drop this AMAZING man into my life and we would date right away. When He didn't I thought I had to wait until school started in the fall....still nothing...
Needless to say I was very disappointed and so much in fact I became bitter and my anger was pointed at God because He didn't give me what I wanted. After my anger was too much to handle I broke down. I realized that MY time was not GOD'S time. I realized I had been foolish and that I had not fully given over my "relationships" to God. I gave up. I let Him have it because it was too much for me to handle.
I know ONE DAY God will send that amazing man into my life. I know that I will have a dating...engagement...and Godly marriage. I know ONE DAY I will have a family. One day is just not today.
To all the women that were, are, and will be in my life: Thank you for your unending support, Thank you for guiding me and leading my in the best ways possible for my life. Thank you for being great friends.
To all the girls who may read this: Know that you are a precious child of GOD. Know that you are perfect in His eyes and one day a man will walk into your life with the eyes of God seeing you as God sees you. Don't be afraid to let go and give 100% of your life to God. Strive to be a Proverbs 31 women of God.
To all the men who were, are, and will be in my life: Thank you for being there and showing me what a Godly example of a man is suppose to be. Thank you for treating the women in your life as Jesus treats His Church.
To all the boys who may read this: Take note of who you are in Christ. Take note of the way Christ treats His Bride, the Church. Treat women with respect and love as God loves. Don't be afraid to let go and give God 100% of your life.
Thank you for reading and letting me share my life and my struggles and sucesses with you,
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